Laboratory automation systems:
Your entry into laboratory automation
Easy to use - automate your workflows easier than ever before
LabVision software - measure, control and visualise your experimental setup easier than ever
Compatible – conveniently connects devices from different manufacturers

Automate and document your experiments and processes for more efficiency in daily laboratory work
Lab automation is too complex for you and requires considerable expertise? Absolutely not, because there’s LabBox, with which even beginners can start with lab automation.
It has ten of the most important interfaces readily integrated. This allows you to directly connect laboratory instruments from a wide range of manufacturers, including circulation thermostats, stirrer drives, balances, pumps, pH electrodes, pressure and temperature measuring devices and magnetic valves.The proven LabVision software can monitor, control and regulate your processes. All procedures are automatically logged and the values recorded.
With a size of only 222 x 58 x 124 mm, LabBox saves space and can be mounted directly on your plant’s equipment in any position, so there is no need for complex project planning and cabling.Our promise: LabBox will be your cost-effective start into lab automation of preparative and analytical workplaces in your lab or pilot plant.

LabBox can take over the automation of your laboratory, especially for preparative and analytical workplaces in your laboratory or pilot plant.

Sized only 222 x 58 x 124 mm, LabBox can be mounted anywhere, e.g. under the fume hood or on your lab bench, ready for data acquisition and control of your lab instruments.

The LabVision software, which has proven itself a thousand times over, makes measuring, controlling and visualizing your test setup impressively easy.

The amazingly convenient LabVision software, successfully used in thousands of laboratories, can measure, control and visualise your experimental setup.

LabBox - lab automation out of the box
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Laboratory automation systems: LabBox
Your entry into laboratory automation