Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer
Orbitrap Exploris GC-MS simplifies operations and offers new opportunities for analytical testing

Transform everyday quantitation, screening and sample profiling through unique depth in analysis, with highest accuracy and precision. Gain the flexibility to keep pace with ever-changing regulations, explore new opportunities through increased scope and method consolidation. Simplify analytical workflows with the compact Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris GC mass spectrometer, which brings the versatility of full-scan, high-resolution accurate-mass data to screening and quantitation.
Reduce time spent evaluating data and increase confidence with exceptional levels of selectivity, sensitivity, and linear dynamic range. Deliver accurate results, in all sample matrices.
Get results on time and with ease. With intuitive instrument control and method templates, the system is fully accessible to all members of your analytical team and provides complete confidence that the system is always operating at maximum performance. Expand analytical capability and open up new business opportunities such as sample profiling, increased analytical scope, and unknown compound identification services.
Request information about Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer now

Orbitrap mass spectrometers: Orbitrap Exploris GC Mass Spectrometer
Orbitrap Exploris GC-MS simplifies operations and offers new opportunities for analytical testing