Thermo Fisher Scientific


IC systems:

Easion IC System

Uncompromised, simple and reliable IC separations with low cost of ownership

Thermo Fisher Scientific GmbH

Dionex Easion Ion Chromatography System - Celebrate simplicity with this system small in size, big in performance

The Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ Easion™ Ion Chromatography system celebrates simplicity, whilst still packing in performance for everyday IC applications, making this ideal for typical water analysis and teaching labs.

Included is everything you need to get up and running in about 90 minutes, including columns, suppressor, eluent and regenerant concentrates. Simple operation, with no additional pumps or equipment required, which reduces downtime and on-going maintenance costs.

Membrane-based chemical suppression ensures maximum uptime and reduces baseline drift to minimize sample-to-sample variability. Space-saving footprint.

Preconfigured analysis kits take the guesswork out of system configuration for anions or cations.

Generate first-class results with ‚Simply Intelligent‘ Thermo Scientific™ Chromeleon™ chromatography data system software. Speeds up daily operations and achieve consistent, high quality analyses. An intuitive, friendly interface shortens the path to results and makes it easy to train new users.

Request information about Easion IC System now

Dionex Easion Ion Chromatography System - Celebrate simplicity with this system small in size, big in performance

IC systems: Easion IC System

Uncompromised, simple and reliable IC separations with low cost of ownership

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Topic World Chromatography

Chromatography enables us to separate, identify and thus understand complex substances. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical research or environmental analysis - chromatography opens up a treasure trove of information about the composition and quality of our samples. Discover the fascinating world of chromatography!

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Topic World Chromatography

Topic World Chromatography

Chromatography enables us to separate, identify and thus understand complex substances. Whether in the food industry, pharmaceutical research or environmental analysis - chromatography opens up a treasure trove of information about the composition and quality of our samples. Discover the fascinating world of chromatography!

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Topic World Food Analytics

Topic World Food Analytics

Food analysis methods enable us to investigate the quality, safety and composition of our food. Whether in the traceability of food, the detection of contaminants or the verification of nutritional information - food analytics plays a crucial role in our health and nutrition. Welcome to the exciting world of food analytics!

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