Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris
New Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris Mass Spectrometry Systems

Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris mass spectrometry is quantitative high-resolution, accurate-mass (HRAM) liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) with record-setting performance for your next-generation laboratory. The power of built-in intelligence, sensitivity and selectivity delivers depth of analysis to the lowest levels with high quantitative accuracy and precision. This extraordinary power is now available in an expanded portfolio to meet your exact analytical requirements.
The new hybrid quadrupole – Orbitrap analyser -platform was first introduced last year with the Orbitrap Exploris 480 MS. The new members, Orbitrap Exploris 240 and 120 MS expand the platform to suit the needs of all labs.
We are excited to present the innovations on the platform, specifically how the new systems address evolving needs of our customer bases in both the research segment (Proteomics, Metabolomics, Translational Research) and applied markets (Biopharma Characterisation, Food Safety, Environmental Testing, Clinical Toxicology and more).
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Orbitrap mass spectrometers: Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris
New Thermo Scientific Orbitrap Exploris Mass Spectrometry Systems