MiniLab AR & AP
Automate your pH, Conductivity, BOD, COD and more with Robotics Solutions from SEAL Analytical
Accurate - Reduce error and operator/sample Interaction
Economical - Various platforms to fit your workload
Reliable - Robust design for consistent results

Robotic Testing and Sample Handling Systems for the Environmental Market
The SEAL MiniLab AP (AutoPrep) and AR (AutoRead) systems combine robotic sample handling with robotic movement of probes and other testing equipment. United on one compact platform, the MiniLab AutoPrep and AutoRead systems present a reliable solution for your preparation procedures while freeing up valuable bench space.
The MiniLab AR systems are capable of many robotic testing and handling tasks. Almost any "off the shelf" probe or manual testing can be automated. Ideally suited for water and soil testing such as pH, conductivity and BOD. With the addition of an AP system, sample preparation can be automated - including filtering, pH adjustment, sample dilutions and more.

MiniLab AR pH Robot

MiniLab AR
Request information about MiniLab AR & AP now

Laboratory robots: MiniLab AR & AP
Automate your pH, Conductivity, BOD, COD and more with Robotics Solutions from SEAL Analytical