Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD)
Universal GC Detector: Detection down to Low ppb

The VICI Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD) is a universal, non-destructive, high sensitivity helium photoionization detector (HID/PID). The response to both inorganic and organic compounds is linear over a wide range. Response to fixed gases is positive (increase in standing current), with a minimum detectable quantity (MDQ) in the low ppb range.
The PDD is an ideal replacement for FIDs in petrochemical or refinery environments, where the hydrogen and flame can be problematic. In addition, when the discharge gas is doped with argon, krypton, or xenon (depending on the desired cutoff point), the PDD functions as a specific photoionization detector for selective determination of aliphatics, aromatics, amines, and other species.
The VICI PDD is available in Plug-and-Play versions for the following GC models (using their FID electrometer):
- Agilent 6890 and 7890
- Shimadzu GC14, GC17, 2010 and 2014
- Thermo Trace GC
- Varian GCs
For other GC types we offer a PDD with a separate “stand alone” electrometer.

Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD)
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GC detectors: Pulsed Discharge Detector (PDD)
Universal GC Detector: Detection down to Low ppb