DynaPro Plate Reader III
Screening of biopharmaceuticals and proteins with high-throughput dynamic light scattering (DLS)

Revolutionize your performance by transforming your conventional, batch dynamic light scattering system into the stable, automated DynaPro Plate Reader III.
The DynaPro Plate Reader incorporates state of the art technology, providing superior high-throughput dynamic light scattering performance. The non-invasive technology measures samples directly from industry-standard microplates (96, 384, or 1536 well plates) using as little as 4 microliters of sample per well. After the plate is loaded into the Plate Reader, the data are collected automatically, in an unattended manner, by the easy-to-use DYNAMICS software, which supports full integration with industry leading liquid handling robotics. Once the data are collected the samples can be recovered and the plates discarded – no cleaning required!
All in all, the DynaPro Plate Reader III will help you increase your productivity by a factor of 10 or more when sizing biomolecules and other nanoparticles compared to conventional batch DLS systems.
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Particle analyzers: DynaPro Plate Reader III
Screening of biopharmaceuticals and proteins with high-throughput dynamic light scattering (DLS)
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Topic World Particle Analysis
Particle analysis methods allow us to study tiny particles in various materials and reveal their properties. Whether in environmental monitoring, nanotechnology or the pharmaceutical industry, particle analysis gives us a glimpse into a hidden world where we can decipher the composition, size and shape of particles. Experience the fascinating world of particle analysis!

Topic World Particle Analysis
Particle analysis methods allow us to study tiny particles in various materials and reveal their properties. Whether in environmental monitoring, nanotechnology or the pharmaceutical industry, particle analysis gives us a glimpse into a hidden world where we can decipher the composition, size and shape of particles. Experience the fascinating world of particle analysis!