Material analysis - 23 News from the science department

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Material analysis - 23 News from the science department

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PlasmaQuant 9100

PlasmaQuant 9100 by Analytik Jena

PlasmaQuant 9100 Series of ICP-OES Instruments

Reveal the Details That Matter

ICP-OES spectrometers
Solutions for Battery Research

Solutions for Battery Research by Rigaku

Unlock Battery Potential with Cutting-Edge Instrumentation

Advance Your Battery Research with Innovative X-Ray Technologies

X-ray fluorescence spectrometers

MiniFlex by Rigaku

Benchtop XRD X-ray Diffractometer

x-ray diffractometers
ZPA 20

ZPA 20 by DataPhysics

Zeta Potential Analyzer for Solid Surfaces

Powders, fibers & flat samples: Electrochemical analysis helps understanding surface interactions


nano3DX by Rigaku

High-Precision 3D Computed Tomography Scanner with Submicron Resolution

computed tomography systems
iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS

iCAP RQ single Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Robust ICP-MS with ease of use and high productivity for routine analysis

A complete multi-element analysis solution for your high-throughput routine laboratory

ICP mass spectrometers
SphereSpectro 150H

SphereSpectro 150H by Gigahertz Optik

SphereSpectro 150H -Patented Spectrophotometer

Determining the spectral absorption coefficient and effective scattering coefficient of scattering

Battery Analysis Guide

Battery Analysis Guide by PerkinElmer

Making batteries better - through comprehensive material analysis

In-depth analysis for higher performance and safety

technical literature
iCAP TQ Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS

iCAP TQ Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Overcome unexpected interferences, reduce detection limits and improve data quality

Ultralow limits of detection with simplicity - even for the most challenging analytical applications

ICP mass spectrometers
ISQ 7610

ISQ 7610 by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Revolutionary GC/MS: Optimized for uninterrupted operation and helium savings

Change columns and sources without interrupting the vacuum and save up to 80 % helium

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