QuestAir to supply methane purifier for 'Biomethane for Vehicle Fuel' project in California


QuestAir Technologies Inc. announced that it will supply an M-3200 pressure swing adsorption ("PSA") system to the 'Biomethane for Vehicle Fuel' project located at the Hilarides Dairy in Lindsay, California.

Phase 3 Renewables LLC will integrate QuestAir's PSA into a plant that upgrades a portion of the biogas generated from the anaerobic digestion of manure at the 9,000-cow dairy in California. Purified biomethane from the Phase 3 plant will fuel three heavy-duty milk trucks that have been outfitted with engines to run on biomethane fuel. The project, which is partly funded by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is expected to be operational by the fall of 2008.

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