Air Liquide acquires Scott Specialty Gases


Air Liquide America specialty gases LLC, a 100% Air Liquide affiliate, has finalized the purchase of the assets of Scott Specialty Gases, Inc., a privately held international producer and supplier of mixed and pure specialty gases to the analytical, medical and electronics sectors, and of high-performance gas handling equipment and specialty gas delivery systems.

In the U.S., the newly established entity is headquartered in Plumsteadville, Pennsylvania. The acquisition will add 450 Scott Specialty Gases employees to Air Liquide's current workforce of 3,800 employees in the U.S. The combined Air Liquide and Scott operations in the high growth market for specialty gases will provide Air Liquide with a new platform for growth and a true nationwide U.S. presence, notably in the Middle Atlantic, North Central and Pacific regions of the U.S.

Internationally, Scott develops business from the UK and the Netherlands, to Europe, India, Africa the Middle East and from the U.S. to Taiwan. Air Liquide has also integrated Scott's European operations into Air Liquide UK Limited, based in Newcastle-under-Lyme, UK and Scott Specialty Gases Netherlands, BV, in Breda, NL.

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