Accelrys, Johnson Matthey and CMR Form Consortium for Alternative Energy Research

Fuel Cell Consortium Result of Award from United Kingdom's Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) for the Automated Design of New Materials for Fuel Cell Catalysts


Accelrys, Inc. together with CMR fuel cells and Johnson Matthey Plc, announced the formation of a UK-based Research Consortium. Funding has been awarded through DTI's Technology Programme competition. The DTI will award the Consortium a total of GBP 1.15 million over the duration of the three-year grant to offset research expenses. The partners will pool their respective research and development expertise in the areas of catalyst science, materials modelling, workflows and databases to develop predictive methods for the development of advanced low-cost catalysts.

The Consortium plans to develop and validate a unique set of predictive tools based upon the latest scientific understanding of how electro catalysts function. In doing so, it aims to accelerate the progress towards commercial applications for fuel cells and provide fundamental advancement of catalyst research.

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