ISO powers up storage of hydrogen fuel cells for safer transport


An ISO technical specification defining safety requirements for the transport of long-lasting fuel cells heralds a new era for hand-held consumer devices such as laptops and mobile phones.

Hydrogen can be stored and transported in solid form and later released and used under specific thermodynamic conditions. Until now, hydrogen storage systems could only be transported following approval by the competent authority in each country - a process that does not ensure consistency across international borders. A new system for transporting hydrogen will facilitate the commercial progress of the industry as well as help build consumer confidence in the use of hydrogen as a clean and safe energy source.

Published by ISO (International Organization for Standardization), ISO/TS 16111:2006, Transportable gas storage devices - Hydrogen absorbed in reversible metal hydride, shall help pave the way for larger, widespread applications of hydrogen by facilitating the safe design and use of transportable hydrogen gas storage canisters. It describes the service conditions, design criteria, type tests and routine tests for these canisters.

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