Scott Specialty Gases publishes 4th edition of their popular handbook for design and safe operation of gas delivery systems

Handbook as free download


Scott specialty gases has updated their Design & Safety Handbook for Specialty gas Delivery Systems. The new 4th edition is available as a downloadable PDF document, complete with internal links. A free printed version of the 42- page handbook is also available.

Scott's Design & Safety Handbookis a reference document for anyone who specifies, designs, purchases or operates specialty gas delivery systems. It provides principles of operation and recommended safety and maintenance procedures for gas handling equipment, including gas cabinets, pressure regulators, manifolds, flash arresters, annunciators and many other components of gas delivery systems. Following principles outlined in Scott's handbook will help ensure a cost-effective and reliable delivery system that will safely provide specialty gas to any application at specified purity level, pressure and flow rate.

Precautions and safety procedures, both in the laboratory and wherever compressed gases may be stored, are addressed throughout Scott's Design & Safety Handbook. The document also includes guides for sizing of distribution lines and for determining compatibility of typical gases with common materials of construction for gas handling equipment. Tables detailing characteristics and physical properties of gases, a manifold specification worksheet and diagrams of standard cylinder valve outlets and connectors are included.

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