NRC takes over Kemi-Intressen AB from Eka Chemicals


Eka Chemicals AB, Bohus, Sweden, and Nordmann, Rassmann GmbH (NRC), Hamburg announced that NRC is taking over all of the shares in the company Kemi-Intressen AB, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Eka, effective as of 1 August, 2005. Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Kemi-Intressen, with 15 employees, is also active in Denmark, Finland and Norway.

As a distributor of specialty chemical products, Kemi-Intressen AB provides products to the following industries: Paint and Varnish, Plastics, Coatings, Metal working, Electronics, Cosmetics, Pharmaceuticals and Foodstuffs.

Kemi-Intressen AB will continue to operate under the same name, same management and with the same staff. "The acquisition fits ideally in the further strategic development of the international chemical distributor NRC, which already maintains numerous subsidiary companies in central Europe", says Edgar. E. Nordmann, General Manager, Nordmann, Rassman.

Jan Svärd, General Manager Eka Chemicals adds: "The divestment represents a step forward in Akzo Nobel Chemicals' strategic repositioning where Kemi-Intressen will not longer be a prioritized area within Eka Chemicals".

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