Pall Unveils Revolutionary Technology to Improve Drinking Water Safety


Pall Corporation (NYSE: PLL) unveiled its new AriaSM multiple barrier water treatment system at the American Water Works Association Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. The system provides a revolutionary advancement in water purification by integrating a pulsed ultraviolet technology (PBUV1) with membrane filtration. An EPA regulation to be issued in 2002 requires that all public water systems provide higher levels of protection from Cryptosporidium, a waterborne microbial pathogen highly resistant to disinfection. This multiple barrier system protects municipal drinking water from viruses, protozoa including Cryptosporidium, and bacteria.

Eric Krasnoff, Pall's Chairman and CEO, said, "Multiple barrier treatment is the most reliable technology to safeguard our nation's drinking water. Pall's growing line of high performance products enables water suppliers in both large and small communities to economically meet the EPA's more stringent regulations for water."

Inactivation by ultraviolet of chlorine –resistant Cryptosporidium is a scientifically proven process. The PBUV system inactivates harmful pathogens, such as Cryptosporidium, and its high-intensity pulses also effectively breaks down organic matter and trace contaminants in feed waters. Removal of organic matter reduces cancer-causing by-products associated with chlorination. Pall's multiple barrier treatment system protects drinking water from pathogens while minimizing the health concerns associated with chlorine disinfection byproducts.

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimates that nearly a million Americans become sick and one thousand die every year from drinking contaminated water. Those most at risk from waterborne contamination are the very young, the elderly and immunocompromised individuals. While massive outbreaks like last year's in Walkerton, Ontario or the disastrous Milwaukee, Wisconsin epidemic, when 400,000 people were infected and over 100 died, make news headlines, the majority of illnesses occur in isolated incidents.

These tragic events underscore the fragile nature of drinking water, and the limitations of older technologies as treatment methods. While chlorination can "treat" water, advanced membranes remove pathogens and can prevent outbreaks of waterborne illnesses.

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