CREON·LAB·CONTROL announces US-Workshop for Companies Looking to Implement an Electronic Laboratory Notebook


CREON·LAB·CONTROL announced the 'Q-DIS/DRAGON', the electronic laboratory Notebook (ELN), hands-on workshop that targets lab managers, researchers, and IT managers looking to reduce time and resources on integration and implementation an electronic laboratory notebook. The workshop gives R&D professionals the opportunity to get more visibility into their ELN management costs and enables them to significantly lower effort and costs required to develop fully integrated scientific software solutions for R&D.

Laboratory Notebooks (LN) are the basis of scientific documentation. Typically, each experiment is recorded in an LN including goal of the investigation, experimental or theoretical background, experimental description and parameters, and experimental results. When properly kept, a laboratory notebook permanently records, for future proof, what was done on a project, and particularly what inventions were made and when.

The workshop will take place on the February 5, 2003 from 9:00am till 3:00 pm in the Embassy Suite Parsippany, NJ. Interested professionals will get more information: 888-302-7366, fax 973-263-3715 or by email The workshop walks R&D professionals through the typical requirements of ELN's and demonstrates how CREON·LAB·CONTROL's Q-DIS/DRAGON software can reduce ongoing costs and improve service. Major areas of focus include: data acquisition directly from instruments, full-text search, key word search, meta data search, administrative search, complex logical search, stereoselective structure and substructure search, notebook reports, consolidated reports for publishing, administrative reports, audit trail reports.

The 'Q-DIS/DRAGON' workshop is of no charge to companies. The Workshop provides a clear path to integration and implementation and demonstrates the benefits of an electronic laboratory notebook. Specifically, customers attending the workshop gain an in-depth understanding what can be automated, cost advantages, and areas for efficiency gains.

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