ChemSec calls for an effective authorisation process, leading industry provide support for REACH

EU’s REACH authorisation process needs to be improved, as investments in green solutions do not necessarily pay off

13-Feb-2015 - Sweden

ChemSec released its position on the authorisation process; coupled with related opinions from some of Europe’s leading industry, calling for clear guidelines and a strong connection to REACH’s original intentions. And while ChemSec recognizes the need to simplify the authorisation process, it urges the Commission to design a process that fuels Europe’s progressive companies, instead of disfavouring them.

"Many companies have already invested a lot in alternatives to recognized Substances of Very High Concern (SVHCs). New legislation should promote these forerunners, not disfavour them by allowing competing industry to continue business as usual," says Theresa Kjell, ChemSec Policy Advisor.

In a previous study by the Commission, the Candidate List has been identified as a main driver for innovation in the EU chemical industry. The Candidate List can only continue to be this driver if the use of recognised SVHCs, for which alternatives are available, is not granted authorisation.

Alongside ChemSec’s position paper is number of quotes from the likes of H&M, Ikea and Akzo Nobel, to name a few, explaining the positive effect REACH and the Candidate List has had in driving green innovations in their respective business fields. ChemSec strongly urges the Commission to take these opinions into consideration, as discussions on how to design the authorisation process intensify.

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