GEA Heat Exchangers wins an order from the Ivory Coast

10-Dec-2013 - Côte d´Ivoire

GEA Heat Exchangers has secured an order through KEPCO E&C of South Korea for an air-cooled condenser with a contract volume of almost €10 million.

GEA Heat Exchangers

The ultimate customer and operator of the cogen power plant in Abidjan on the Ivory Coast is the company Ivoirienne de production d´Electricité (CIPREL). Expansion of the power station was financed by the World Bank. The scope of the order includes an air-cooled ALEX condenser with duty of 120 MW and with 18 fan units. The facility is scheduled to be put into operation in 2015. A decisive role for the award of this contract was the highly professional and anticipative consulting provided in the negotiation phase by the GEA Heat Exchangers subsidiary GEA Energietechnik, which is responsible for executing the project.

With expansion of this combined cycle power plant (gas and steam) – which obtains additional steam from waste heat of the gas turbine, which will be transferred in electrical energy by a steam turbine – it will be possible to more efficiently exploit the natural gas resources of the Ivory Coast. As a result of this overall project, CIPREL expects enhancement of the energy efficiency of the power plant by approx. 25 %, without consumption of additional natural gas. The project will contribute toward reducing power generation costs in favor of local consumers, expanding a reliable power supply network, and supporting the economic growth of the region. After completion of the power station, the expanded power plant will be the largest on the Ivory Coast and the most important of the region.

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