Eastman Opens New Specialty Fluids Testing Lab in Singapore

15-Nov-2013 - Singapore

Eastman Chemical Company announced the opening of a new specialty fluids testing lab for Eastman Therminol® heat transfer fluids and Eastman Skydrol® aviation hydraulic fluids in Singapore. The new lab will service customers in the Asia Pacific region, providing local technical support and in-service fluids testing that is critical in high performance systems using these fluids.

"Eastman currently has production facilities and in-service fluid analysis testing labs in Asia, North America, Europe, and South America” said Ravi Prakash, Global Business director, Specialty Fluids, Eastman. "Combined with our recently announced expansion of our Therminol heat transfer fluid capacity in the United Kingdom, the new Singapore specialty fluids lab will bolster our ability to provide our customers in the Asia Pacific region with high performance products, reliable supply, and outstanding local technical service. Eastman’s investment in the new Singapore lab is another example of our strong commitment to our customers’ continued growth and success in this region.”

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