LANXESS inaugurates new formalin plant in Krefeld-Uerdingen

EUR 18 million investment in new production operations

26-Apr-2012 - Germany

Specialty chemicals company LANXESS has officially opened a new formalin production plant at its Krefeld-Uerdingen site. The head of LANXESS' Advanced Industrial Intermediates business unit, Hubert Fink, and Krefeld’s mayor, Gregor Kathstede, officially opened the state-of-the-art plant. Formalin is a feedstock for trimethylolpropane (TMP), a trivalent alcohol used for numerous products in, for example, the automotive, furniture and construction industries. The investment totals around EUR 18 million, creating five new jobs at the site. New formalin and methanol tanks have been constructed along with the plant and its 38-meter high tower on an area totaling 1,000 square meters.

"With our own formalin plant, we're enhancing our site in Krefeld-Uerdingen and continuing to expand our leading position as a manufacturer and supplier of TMP," said LANXESS’ Fink at the ceremony. "Producing formalin on site means we are no longer dependent on buying in this necessary feedstock, thereby also cutting transportation costs. We're also improving energy efficiency and helping to protect the environment thanks to a unique adsorber process."

LANXESS products geared to global megatrends

By investing in formalin, LANXESS is responding to the megatrends of mobility and urbanization – issues that will play a key role in our future lives all over the world. “LANXESS already has the products needed to respond to these megatrends and thus to the markets of the future,” said Fink. The uses of TMP go beyond numerous products in the furniture, construction and automotive industries. One by-product of the production process is calcium formate – an additive that is in great demand on the market. A recent addition to its impressive range of applications is its use as a foliar fertilizer in fruit crops.

Expansion of menthol plant well on target

LANXESS' Advanced Industrial Intermediates business unit is also currently expanding its production plant for menthol at the site. The plant’s capacity will be doubled due to the large global demand for menthol. The expansion project is well on schedule and is due to be completed by the middle of the year. Synthetically manufactured menthol is an important component of many aroma chemicals, for example in the field of oral hygiene and chewing gum. It is also contained in many pharmaceutical products – such as those used to cool painful injuries.

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