LZH Spin-off "Particular GmbH" Starts Up
The Particular GmbH is a new spin-off firm from the Laser Zentrum Hannover e.V. (LZH), which was started by two LZH scientists. Particular uses a new laser process for the production of highly sterile nanoparticles made of almost any material. There is a high demand for nanoparticles for research purposes such as medical technology, and Particular can use the new process to significantly reduce costs for these high-tech particles. Laser-generated nanoparticles are not only interesting for medical technology, but also for other high-quality products.
Nanoparticles are extremely small material particles, invisible to the human eye, but which can be used to improve the characteristics of many products, such as the biological compatibility of implants, protection against infection for medical catheters, or for UV light absorption, or the scratch resistance of sunglasses. Usually, nanoparticles are manufactured chemically, but Particular uses a physical process in which a laser beam removes tiny particles in a liquid surrounding, such as gold particles or other materials.
"With laser technology, new and innovative uses of nanoparticles are possible," says Niko Bärsch, CEO of Particular. "We can make implants more compatible, or we can make molecules visible using gold nanoparticles, for example for diagnosing cancer."
Apart from the good cooperation between Particular and the LZH, Bärsch emphasizes the support of the promotional program "EXIST-Research Transfer", through which Particular receives funding from the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology during the start-up phase, up to the end of 2011.
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