1st GPCA Startup Nexus in Oman at the beginning of December

Startups from the fields of Climate Action & Circular Economy can apply until September 30


The Gulf Petrochemicals and Chemicals Association is adding a new format to its18th GPCA Annual Forum. The 1st GPCA Startup Nexus will give startup companies from all over the world a stage and bring them together with decision-makers from the chemical industry and investors. Over two days at the beginning of December in Muscat, Oman, startups whose business models fall into the fields of climate action or circular economy will present themselves. The startups can be founded in 2017 or later and have demonstrated laboratory feasibility (Technology Readiness Level 4).

A total of ten startups will be selected by the GPCA Expert Panel. The five best from each category will then present on two afternoons. For the two main topics of Climate Action and Circular Economy, a wide range of possible technologies was deliberately offered for application in order to give space to the diversity of innovations. Start-ups from the chemical, bioeconomy, energy and digital sectors can submit their ideas. The spectrum ranges from mechanical and chemical recycling, carbon capture use and storage and other decarbonization technologies to digital improvements in energy management or supply chain tracking, for example.

Applications can still be submitted until September 30. In addition to the Shark Tank-style presentation in front of an expert audience, the startups will each receive two tickets to the 18th GPCA Annual Forum, an exhibition stand and the opportunity to book rooms for confidential discussions. In addition, the startups will be featured extensively in GPCA marketing materials and on social media with their technologies and team.

There is a bonus for teams that have not yet been founded: startups in the process of being founded are also invited to apply for one of eight additional short pitches in front of the GPCA community. The aim is to strengthen the startup ecosystem in the long term, to give young teams the opportunity to build international networks at an early stage and to encourage the more than 3,000 participants to contribute their ideas and wishes for future focus topics through the variety of topics.

The1st GPCA Startup Nexus will take place on December 3 and 4 and is integrated into the18th GPCA Annual Forum from December 2 to 5, 2024 in Muscat, Oman.

Dr Abdulwahab Al Sadoun, GPCA Secretary General, Dubai, UAE: "GPCA is dedicated to promoting the startup ecosystem in the Gulf region. The 1st GPCA Startup Nexus will take place at the 18th GPCA Annual Forum. It gives international startups in the fields of Circular Economy and Climate Action a stage in front of decision makers in the chemical industry and investors. We are delighted to have launched this lively and innovative community."

Dr. Holger Bengs, initiator of the European Chemistry Partnering, Frankfurt, Germany: "I am very pleased that our ideas from the ECP to bring startups together with investors and industry representatives from very different disciplines have been taken up by the GPCA. I am proud to contribute our ideas and contacts in order to establish a successful format for all participants. The world needs many more chemical innovations that are implemented by small and large working together."

Note: This article has been translated using a computer system without human intervention. LUMITOS offers these automatic translations to present a wider range of current news. Since this article has been translated with automatic translation, it is possible that it contains errors in vocabulary, syntax or grammar. The original article in German can be found here.

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