More cost-effective production of fuels from renewable electricity

Start-up receives €1.2 million in fresh capital for particularly innovative technology

16-Jan-2023 - Germany

e-fuels can make a decisive contribution to making the global economy independent of fossil crude oil and at the same time CO2-neutral and renewable. The team is developing a particularly innovative technology that can reduce the production cost of e-fuels from currently more than €2.50/L to €1/L. The start-up has now closed a €1.2 million pre-seed financing round, led by High-Tech Gründerfonds.

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Symbolic image’s “NextGen-PtX Reactor Unit” is currently on the threshold from laboratory to industry. It combines the low investment costs of innovative plasmacatalysis technologies with the high efficiencies of proven thermocatalytic processes. The modular design, for which a patent is pending, allows the cost-effective production of e-fuels thanks to the correspondingly low investment and operating costs. Thanks to simple scalability, a significant market penetration in large numbers is achievable.’s customers include in particular refineries and chemical companies that are still dependent on fossil crude oil. As early as 2023, the Dresden company’s first prototype is expected to produce the first liters of e-fuels in a European refinery. From 2024, scaled prototypes with higher production output and efficiency will follow. The start of series production of the “NextGen-PtX Reactor Unit” is planned for the end of 2025.

"Thanks to the fresh capital, we can now further advance the development of our product with our current and new partners and customers. It also enables us to expand our team, which we are particularly looking forward to! With our four new investors, we have strong partners at our side. We are very happy to be able to benefit from their experience in financing similar start-ups as well as building their own companies", Sebastian Becker, Co-Founder & CEO of

"We were convinced by their innovative approach, bringing power-to-X and hence e-fuel production to a competitive price level, and by their complementary founding team of innovators, engineers and plant constructors. addresses a relevant and so far insufficiently solved problem and we are excited to support them on their journey", Nils Lang, Investment Manager at High-Tech Gründerfonds.

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