Enzymicals and abcr cooperate

The Special chemical manufacturers want to make use of synergies

05-Mar-2018 - Germany

The biotechnology company Enzymicals AG, based in Greifswald, and the Karlsruhe-based abcr GmbH are intensifying their collaboration in catalogue business. The two internationally active companies have now entered into an agreement for a global trade relationship. Each company benefits from the expertise of the other.

For Enzymicals AG, this specifically means the inclusion of selected enzymes for biotechnology as well as special chemoenzymatically produced chemicals in the abcr catalogue. At the same time, Enzymicals benefits from the cooperation by way of abcr GmbH’s established global sales structure and more than 30 years of experience on the market.

Product expansion allows abcr to offer its customers new/further options in innovative synthesis. Standard units can be ordered worldwide via the abcr web shop - and at the same prices as Enzymicals.

More international visibility, access to new markets and customers, and an increase in sales thanks to the use of synergies are ostensible aims for both cooperation partners.

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