Forum decides on checking how formulators comply with REACH

16-Dec-2009 - Finland

At its sixth meeting the Forum for Exchange of Information on Enforcement decided to focus its next joint REACH enforcement project, on formulators of mixtures who are the first level Downstream Users in the supply chain. This project is a natural continuation of the ongoing enforcement project on manufacturers and importers

The Forum considered various REACH duties as potential focus for future joint enforcement activities. It decided at its sixth meeting that the second project will check the compliance of the first level of Downstream Users of chemical substances in the supply chain, in particular formulators of mixtures. Most mixtures are sold to article producers but a large number are sold directly to consumers such as detergents, paints and personal care products. The preparations of the project will start early 2010 and the on-site inspections are scheduled for 2011 after the first registration deadline. It will build on the experience gained through the first joint enforcement project, REACH-EN-FORCE1.

REACH-EN-FORCE1 will finish at the end of this year. Preliminary results indicate that 850 inspections in total have taken place in 28 countries. Inspectors in the participating countries focused on the phase-in substances (existing substances) and checked whether manufacturers and importers have pre-registered or registered their substances. In addition, Safety Data Sheets were inspected. A summary report of this project will be published in spring 2010. Member States enforcement authorities will continue inspections of manufacturers and importers in 2010.

At this sixth meeting the Forum elected a new chair, Richard Bishop from the United Kingdom, after the former chair resigned in November. The forum also held its third open session and welcomed the positive and constructive feedback from stakeholder organisations which highlights the importance of liaising with stakeholders for mutual understanding.

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