ACC announces winners for the 2009 Polyurethane “Innovation Awards"

09-Oct-2009 - USA

Center for the polyurethanes Industry (CPI) of the American Chemistry Council announced the winners for the 2009 Polyurethane “Innovation Awards” during the closing session of its Polyurethanes 2009 Technical Conference.

DuPont received the award in the Polyurethane Chemicals category for Cerenol® Polyol, a family of engineered renewably sourced polyetherdiols that serves as a soft segment ingredient for polyurethanes.

Fenner Precision® received the award in the Finished Product category for its design and development of a rugged polyurethane tank tire wheel for the U.S. military’s Bradley Fighting Vehicle.

“The Polyurethane Innovation Award shines a well-deserved spotlight on the companies and individuals that have brought innovative new solutions to the marketplace,” said Neeva-Gayle Candelori, director of CPI.

A panel of five judges representing a cross section of polyurethanes experience and knowledge evaluated and selected the finalists.

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