Two supercomputers from Jülich among the ten fastest in the world

Supercomputers JUGENE und JUROPA/HPC-FF take places 3 and 10

25-Jun-2009 - Germany

In the decisive global ranking of the world’s fastest supercomputers Forschungszentrum Jülich has not one but two supercomputers among the top ten. JUGENE, Europe’s fastest computer takes place 3, and JUROPA / HPC-FF, the computer tandem developed in Jülich, is ranked 10th in the world and 2nd in Europe. This is the first time in the history of the global ranking that one single European institution has two computers among the first ten.

With its 72,000 processors, the supercomputer JUGENE achieves a top performance of more than 1 petaflop/s. JUGENE is used for very compute-intensive, complex simulations, for example in materials science, environmental research or particle physics.

With their more than 3,200 computing nodes, JUROPA and HPC-FF achieve a top performance of 308 teraflop/s.

Researchers from all disciplines will make use of JUROPA in order to discover how the climate is changing, how proteins are folded in cells, how new semiconductors function or how fuel cells can be improved. HPC-FF will be available exclusively for fusion research. For particularly large simulations both computers can be coupled. The two Jülich supercomputers JUGENE and JUROPA/HPC-FF are the only facilities outside the USA to be included in the latest TOP 10.

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