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Urban lumberjacking

Urban lumberjacking is a particular type of skip diving (UK) or dumpster diving (US) where the focus is to salvage wood either for home construction projects or for home heating. It is specifically celebrated for being a carbon negative activity.


Carbon implications

Urban Lumberjacking is an overall carbon negative activity as opposed to carbon neutral, meaning that it actually reduces the amount of carbon that would have been released into atmosphere compared to the amount that would have been released should it not have been performed. (Many people believe that reducing human carbon dioxide emissions will help reduce climate change, otherwise referred to as global warming).


This reduction is achieved in two different ways -

• Firstly, by removing the wood from a skip you are reducing the amount of petrol or diesel burnt that would have been used transporting it to a landfill. A landfill is known as a dump (US) or tip (UK). If the skip is entirely emptied then this figure is reduced to zero.


• Secondly, should the proceeds of the urban lumberjacking be home heating, then there may also be a reduction of fossil fuel based home heating methods otherwise in use i.e. either coal, natural gas or heating oil. This process is considered as carbon neutral.

Tips and Tools

  • Wooden pallets are a good source of wood due to their relative abundance, ease of transport and lack of paint and preserver.
  • A crowbar is useful for breaking up pallets and most other wooden structures. In addition, a crowbar is a good tool for removing any remaining nails.
  • A saw or axe can be used for breaking the wood into desired lengths.
  • A wheelbarrow is a good substitute for a strong pair of arms, especially when salvage goods need to be carried over considerable distances.
  • A wood or multi-fuel burning stove or open fireplace is recommended for home heating. It is essential that care is taken to reduce the fire spreading from its designated area. In addition, sufficient ventilation should be provided to avoid carbon monoxide and smoke inhalation.

Further Reading

Whilst this page is in construction please see the Further Reading section of Dumpster Diving.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Urban_lumberjacking". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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