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Tunable diode laser absorption spectroscopy
Sometimes TDLAS may refer to tunable diode laser atomic absorption spectroscopy, a technique used in plasma diagnostic. Here the TDLAS technique is used for measurement of metastable atom densities or neutral atom temperature and for identification of small amounts of impurities in plasmas. It is, also, possible to correlate the metastable atom densities with the partial pressure of a particularly gas in various gases mixture plasma. The main benefit of this method compared to optical emission methods is the exclusion of spectral lines enlargement due to optical instruments used, because, this width is much smaller than Doppler width – it is about the same order as natural width (about 1 MHz). Additional recommended knowledge
WorkingTDLAS is a simple technique. A basic TDLAS setup consists of tunable diode laser light source, transmitting (i.e. beam shaping) optics, optically accessible absorbing medium, receiving optics and detector/s. The emission wavelength of the tunable diode laser, viz. VCSEL, DFB, etc., is tuned over the characteristic absorption lines of a species in the gas in the path of the laser beam. This causes a reduction of the measured signal intensity, which can be detected by a photodiode, and then used to determine the gas concentration and other properties as described later. Different diode lasers are used based on the application and the range over which tuning is to be performed. Typical examples are InGaAsP/InP (tunable over 900 nm to 1.6 µm), InGaAsP/InAsP (tunable over 1.6 µm to 2.2 µm), etc. These lasers can be tuned by either adjusting their temperature or by changing injection current density into the gain medium. While temperature changes allow tuning over ~100 cm − 1, it is limited by slow tuninng rates ~few Hz, due to the thermal inertia of the system. On the other hand, adjusting the injection current can provide tuning at rates as high as ~10 GHz, but it is restricted to a smaller range ( ~1 - 2 cm − 1) over which the tuning can be performed. The typical laser linewidth is of the order of 10 − 3 cm − 1 or smaller. Basic PrinciplesConcentration MeasurementThe basic principle behind the TDLAS technique is simple. The focus here is on a single absorption line in the absorption spectrum of the a particular species of interest. To start with the wavelength of a diode laser is tuned over a particular absorption line of interest and the intensity of the transmitted radiation is measured. The transmitted intensity can be related to the concentration of the species present by the Beer-Lambert law, which states that when a radiation of wavenumber where,
Temperature MeasurementThe above relation requires that the temperature where,
Another way to measure the temperature is by relating the FWHM of the probed absorption line to the Doppler line width of the species at that temperature. This is given by, where,
Note: In the last expression, Velocity MeasurementThe effect of a mean flow of the gas in the path of the laser beam can been seen as a shift in the absorption spectrum, also known as Doppler shift. The shift in the frequency spectrum is related to the mean flow velocity by, where,
Note : ApplicationsSee also |
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