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Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

The Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory, a division of Stanford Linear Accelerator Center, is operated by Stanford University for the Department of Energy. SSRL is a National User Facility which provides synchrotron radiation, a name given to x-rays or light produced by electrons circulating in a storage ring (SPEAR) at nearly the speed of light. These extremely bright x-rays can be used to investigate various forms of matter ranging from objects of atomic and molecular size to man-made materials with unusual properties. The obtained information and knowledge is of great value to society, with impact in areas such as the environment, future technologies, health, and education.[1]

The SSRL provides experimental facilities to some 2,000 academic and industrial scientists working in such varied fields as drug design, environmental cleanup, electronics, and x-ray imaging.[2]




  1. Sebastian Doniach 1973-1977
  2. Arthur Bienenstock 1978-1998
  3. Keith Hodgson 1998-2005
  4. Joachim Stöhr 2005-

Notable Experiments


listed by Beamline and Station


  1. ^ SSRL Home page
  2. ^ Woods, Heather Rock (September 27, 2005). Stöhr to Direct Synchrotron Radiation Lab. Press Release. Menlo Park, CA: Stanford Linear Accelerator Center. Retrieved on September 28, 2005.
  3. ^ :Dunn, Lisa (August, 2005). "Update on SSRL Beam Lines and Techniques". SSRL Headline News 6 (2): n.p..

Coordinates: 37°25′06.2″N, 122°12′03.5″W

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Stanford_Synchrotron_Radiation_Laboratory". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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