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Schrödinger picture

In quantum mechanics, a state function is a linear combination (a superposition) of eigenstates. In the Schrödinger picture, the state of a system evolves with time, where the evolution for a closed quantum system is brought about by an unitary operator called the time-evolution operator. This differs from the Heisenberg picture where the states are constant while the observables evolve in time. The measurement statistics are the same in both pictures, as they should be.


The Time Evolution Operator


The time evolution operator U(t,t0) is defined as:

| \psi(t) \rangle = U(t,t_0) | \psi(t_0) \rangle

That is, this operator when acting on the state ket at t0 gives the state ket at a later time t . For bras, we have:

\langle \psi(t) | = \langle \psi(t_0) |U^{\dagger}(t,t_0)


Property 1

The time evolution operator must be unitary. This is because we demand that the norm of the state ket must not change with time. That is,

\langle \psi(t)| \psi(t) \rangle = \langle \psi(t_0)|U^{\dagger}(t,t_0)U(t,t_0)| \psi(t_0) \rangle
Therefore U^{\dagger}(t,t_0)U(t,t_0)=I

Property 2

Clearly U(t0,t0) = I, the Identity operator. As:

| \psi(t_0) \rangle = U(t_0,t_0) | \psi(t_0) \rangle

Property 3

Also time evolution from t0 to t may be viewed as time evolution from t0 to an intermediate time t1 and from t1 to the final time t . therefore:

U(t,t0) = U(t,t1)U(t1,t0)

Differential Equation for Time Evolution Operator

We drop the t0 index in the time evolution operator with the convention that t0 = 0 and write it as U(t) . The Schrodinger equation can be written as:

i \hbar {d \over dt} U(t) | \psi_e (0) \rangle = H U(t)| \psi_e (0)\rangle

Here H is the Hamiltonian for the system. As | \psi(0) \rangle is a constant ket( it is the state ket at t = 0 ), we see that the time evolution operator obeys the Schrodinger equation: i.e.

i \hbar {d \over dt} U(t) = H U(t)

If the Hamiltonian is independent of time, the solution to the above equation is:

U(t) = e^{-iHt / \hbar}

Where we have also used the fact that at t = 0,U(t) must reduce to the identity operator. Therefore we get:

| \psi(t) \rangle = e^{-iHt / \hbar} | \psi(0) \rangle.

Note that | \psi(0) \rangle is an arbitrary ket. However, if the initial ket is an eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, with eigenvalue a , we get:

| \psi(t) \rangle = e^{-iat / \hbar} | \psi(0) \rangle.

Thus we see that the eigenstates of the Hamiltonian are stationary states, they only pick up an overall phase factor as they evolve with time. If the Hamiltonian is dependent on time, but the Hamiltonians at different time commute then, the time evolution operator can be written as:

U(t) = e^{-i/\hbar \int\limits _0^t H(t^')\, dt^'}

The alternative to the Schrödinger picture is to switch to a rotating reference frame, which is itself being rotated by the propagator. Since the undulatory rotation is now being assumed by the reference frame itself, an undisturbed state function appears to be truly static. This is the Heisenberg picture.

See also interaction picture.

Further reading

  • Principles of Quantum Mechanics by R. Shankar, Plenum Press.
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