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Pine Bluff Chemical Activity

Pine Bluff Chemical Activity (abbreviated PBCA) is a chemical weapon storage site located in Arkansas. The U.S. Army has stored approximately twelve percent of its original chemical weapons at the Pine Bluff Arsenal since 1942. The Pine Bluff Chemical Agent Disposal Facility was completed in 2002, and the Army began weapons disposal in March 2005.

As of December 2007, the facility had destroyed all of its GB (sarin)- containing rockets and was processing VX-containing munitions. 13.6% of the Arsenal's total chemical stockpile of 3,850 metric tons had been destroyed.[1]

In support of National Defense and the American Soldier, the Chemical Biological (CB) Defense at Pine Bluff Arsenal also manufactures of personnel and equipment decontamination kits; repairs and tests chemical protective clothing; and rebuilds and calibrates defensive chemical test equipment.

The Pine Bluff Binary Destruction Facility began operations in December 2005 and in April 2006, completed destruction of DF or methylphosphonic difluoride, an ingredient in the binary weapon deployment of sarin. The destruction of QL, or diisopropyl aminoethylmethyl phosphonite, a binary component for VX was accomplished between April and October 2006.[2]

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