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Orr-Sommerfeld equationThe Orr-Sommerfeld equation, in fluid dynamics, is an eigenvalue equation describing the linear two-dimensional modes of disturbance to a viscous parallel flow. Additional recommended knowledgeThe equation takes the form: with the boundary conditions (for no-slip boundaries at z = z1 and z = z2)
where the base fluid velocity The eigenvalue parameter of the problem is c and the eigenvector is SolutionsFor all but the simplest of velocity profiles U, numerical or asymptotic methods are required to calculate solutions. For Pouseille flow, it has been shown that the flow is unstable (i.e. one or more eigenvalues c has a positive imaginary part) for some α when Re > Rec = 5772.22 and the neutrally stable mode at Re = Rec having αc = 1.02056, c = 0.264002. [1] References
Categories: Fluid dynamics | Equations of fluid dynamics |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Orr-Sommerfeld_equation". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |