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Non-ionizing radiation

  Non-ionizing radiation (or, esp. in British English, non-ionising radiation) refers to any type of electromagnetic radiation that does not carry enough energy per quantum to ionize atoms or molecules — that is, to completely remove an electron from an atom or molecule.[1] Instead of producing charged ions when passing through matter, the electromagnetic radiation has sufficient energy only for excitation, the movement of an electron to a higher energy state. Nevertheless, different biological effects are observed for different types of non-ionizing radiation.[2][3]

Near ultraviolet, Visible light, infrared, microwave, radio waves, low frequency RF and static fields are all examples of non-ionizing radiation. Visible and near ultraviolet may induce photochemical reactions, ionize some molecules or accelerate radical reactions, such as photochemical aging of varnishes[4] or the breakdown of flavoring compounds in beer to produce the 'lightstruck flavor'.[5] The light from the Sun that reaches the earth is largely composed of non-ionizing radiation, with the notable exception of some ultraviolet rays. However, most ionizing radiation is filtered out by the atmosphere (see Earth's atmosphere). Static fields do not radiate.[3]

[2] Source Wavelength Frequency Biological Effects
UVC Germicidal light 100 nm - 280 nm 1075 THz - 3000 THz Skin – Erythema, inc. pigmentation; Eye – Photokeratitis (inflammation of cornea)
UVB Tanning booth 280 nm - 315 nm 950 THz - 1075 THz Eye – Photokeratitis (inflammation of cornea) Skin – Erythema, inc. pigmentation Skin cancer, Photosensitive skin reactions, Production of vitamin D
UVA Black light, sunlight 315 nm - 400 nm 750 THz - 950 THz Eye – Photochemical cataract Skin – Erythema, inc. pigmentation
Visible Light lasers, sunlight, fire, LEDs, Light Bulbs 400 nm - 780 nm 385 THz - 750 THz Skin photo-ageing, Skin cancer; Eye – Photochemical & thermal retinal injury
IR-A lasers, remote controls 780 nm - 1.4 µm 215 THz - 385 THz Eye – Thermal retinal injury, thermal cataract; Skin burn
IR-B lasers, long-distance telecommunications 1.4 µm - 3 µm 100 THz - 215 THz Eye – Corneal burn, cataract; Skin burn
IR-C Far-infrared laser 3 µm - 1 mm 300 GHz - 100 THz Eye – Corneal burn, cataract; Heating of body surface
Microwave PCS phones, some mobile/cell phones, microwave ovens, cordless phones, motion detectors, radar, Wi-Fi 1 mm - 33 cm 1 GHz - 300 GHz Heating of body surface
Radio Frequency Radiation Mobile/Cell phones, television, FM, AM, Shortwave, CB, cordless phones 33 cm - 3 km 100 kHz - 1 GHz Heating with ‘penetration depth’ of 10 mm, Raised body temperature
Low frequency RF power lines > 3 km < 100 kHz Cumulation of charge on body surface Disturbance of nerve & muscle responses
Static Field[3] strong magnets, MRI infinite 0 Hz Magnetic - vertigo/nausea, Electric - charge on body surface

Ultraviolet radiation

Ultraviolet light can cause burns to skin[6] and cataracts to the eyes.[6] Ultraviolet is classified into near, medium and far UV according to energy, where near ultraviolet is non-ionizing. Ultraviolet light produces free radicals that induce cellular damage, which can be carcinogenic. Ultraviolet light also induces melanin production from melanocyte cells to cause sun tanning of skin. Vitamin D is produced on the skin by a radical reaction initiated by UV radiation.

Plastic sunglasses (polycarbonate) generally absorb UV radiation. UV overexposure to the eyes causes snow blindness, which is a risk particularly on the sea or when there is snow on the ground.

Visible and infrared, lasers

Visible light causes few effects to the human body. Bright visible light irritates the eyes. Visible-light lasers have much more powerful effects and may damage the eyes even at small powers. Very strong visible light is used for cauterizing hair follicles.

Microwave and radio frequency radiation

  • Biological effects
  • Effects on the Skin
  • Effects on the Eyes
  • Other Hazards
  • Occupational Exposure Standards

Low frequency ELF

  • Biological effects
  • Effects on the Skin
  • Effects on the Eyes
  • Other Hazards
  • Occupational Exposure Standards

Static fields

  • Biological effects
  • Effects on the Skin
  • Effects on the Eyes
  • Other Hazards
cf. Electric Power Transmission.
  • Occupational Exposure Standards

See also


  1. ^ Ionizing & Non-Ionizing Radiation.
  2. ^ a b Kwan-Hoong Ng (20th – 22nd October 2003). "[ Non-Ionizing Radiations – Sources, Biological Effects, Emissions and Exposures]".
  3. ^ a b c John E. Moulder. Static Electric and Magnetic Fields and Human Health.
  4. ^ Helv. Chim. Acta vol. 83 (2000), pp. 1766. [1]
  5. ^ Photochem. Photobiol. Sci., 2004, 3, 337 - 340, DOI: 10.1039/b316210a [2]
  6. ^ a b UW EH&S Hazards of Ultraviolet Light.
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