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London equationsThe London equations relate the current to electromagnetic fields in and around a superconductor. Their purpose is to describe the magnetic field exclusion that is characteristic of a superconductor, and known as the Meissner effect. Additional recommended knowledgeThe first London equation relates the superconducting current to the electric field:
where ns is the density of Cooper pairs, and es and m are the charge and mass of a Cooper pair, respectively, which is simply twice the charge and mass of an electron. The second London equation relates the supercurrent to the magnetic field:
Writing the magnetic field in terms of the vector potential
where φ is an arbitrary phase.
Substituting this equation into the fourth of Maxwell's equations,
where is the London penetration depth. References
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "London_equations". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |