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KMS stateThe statistical mechanics of quantum field theory (see thermal quantum field theory) at the inverse temperature β and chemical potential μ can be characterized by a condition called the KMS condition. Additional recommended knowledgePreliminariesThe simplest case to study is that of a finite-dimensional Hilbert space, in which one does not encounter complications like phase transitions or spontaneous symmetry breaking. The density matrix of a thermal state is given by where H is the Hamiltonian operator and N is the particle number operator (or charge operator, if we wish to be more general) and is the partition function. We assume that N commutes with H, or in other words, that particle number is conserved. In the Heisenberg picture, the density matrix does not change with time, but the operators are time-dependent. In particular, translating an operator A by τ into the future gives the operator
A combination of time translation with an internal symmetry "rotation" gives the more general A bit of algebraic manipulation shows that the expected values for any two operators A and B and any real τ (we are working with finite-dimensional Hilbert spaces after all). We used that fact that the density matrix commutes with any function of (H-μN) and that the trace is cyclic. As hinted at earlier, with infinite dimensional Hilbert spaces, we run into a lot of problems like phase transitions, spontaneous symmetry breaking, operators which aren't trace class, divergent partition functions, etc.. The complex functions of z, and exist. However, we can still define a KMS state as any state satisfying with
This gives the right large volume, large particle number thermodynamic limit. If there is a phase transition or spontaneous symmetry breaking, the KMS state isn't unique. The density matrix of a KMS state is related to unitary transformations involving time translations (or time translations and an internal symmetry transformation for nonzero chemical potentials) via the Tomita-Takesaki theory. |
This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "KMS_state". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia. |