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Hi-School Pharmacy

Hi-School Pharmacy Inc. is a chain of drugstores, hardware stores and combination drugstore/hardware stores based out of Vancouver, Washington.


  • 1925 Edith and Ira Nelson start High School Store in downtown Vancouver, Washington, right across the street from Vancouver High School on Main Street.
  • 1939 Brothers Ken and Matt Zapp buy out the Nelsons and rename the store Hi-School Pharmacy.
  • 1948 The Zapps sell the Hi-School Pharmacy to Val Mowan.
  • 1967 Val Mowan sells Hi-School Pharmacy to Steve and Jan Oliva.
  • 2003 The Olivas sell 16 Hi-School Pharmacies to Walgreens, including the original pharmacy location in downtown Vancouver. The Olivas retain space at the original location for a Hi-School True Value Hardware store.

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Hi-School_Pharmacy". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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