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Haplotypes DQA1*0103:DQB1*0601 DQA1*0102:DQB1*0602 DQA1*0103:DQB1*0603 DQA1*0102:DQB1*0605 DQA1*0102:DQB1*0605 DQA1*0102:DQB1*0609
alpha 1 *0102 or *0103
beta 1 *0601 to *0611
Shared data
Locus chr.6 6p21.31

HLA-DQ6 is an HLA-DQ serotype grouping based on antibody recognition of the HLA DQ beta chain. It is synonymous with the HLA-DQB1*06 allelegroup. This group is composed of many similar beta chains. HLA DQB1*0601 to *0605, and *0609 are the most common. These beta chains are linked to certain alpha chain genes DQA1*01 as a result DQ6 serotyped cells were originally recognized as DQ1 since DQ1 recognizes the DQA1*01 allele group gene products. These gene products are DQA1*0101 to *0106. DQ1 also recognizes cells recognized by DQ5.



DQ6, DQ1, and DQ5 recognition of some Some DQB1* alleles
allele % % % size (N)
0601 64 23 675
0602 67 30 1 5151
0603 62 23 2 2807
0604 59 27 2 1592
0605 76 13 358
0609 48 32 3 149


DQB1*0601, *0602, *0603, *0604, *0605 and DQB1*0609 are the most common. DQB1*0601 is generally linked to DQA1*0103 as DQ6.1 and is more common in eastern Asia. DQB1*0602 is commonly lined to DQA1*0102 as DQ6.2 and is common from central Asia into Western Europe, *0602 is also linked to DQA1*0103 in parts of Asia. DQB1*0603 is commonly lined to DQA1*0103 as DQ6.3 and is common from Central Asia into Western Europe, *0603 is also linked to DQA1*0102 in parts of Asia. DQB1*0604 is found at higher frequencies in parts of Asia and is linked almost exclusively to DQA1*0102 as DQ6.4. DQB1*0605 and *0609 are elevated in SW Europe and Africa and are linked to DQA1*0102 as DQ6.5 and DQ6.9, respectively.



DQA1*0103:DQB1*0601 (DQ6.1) is found at increased freqeuncies in Asia and is almost absent in Western Europe. It confers protection from Narcolepsy[1], Type 1 diabetes[2][3], Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada (VKH) syndrome[4], pemphigus vulgaris[5], Multiple sclerosis[6], myasthenia gravis.


DQA1*0102:DQB1*0602 (DQ6.2) is very common in Eurasia, particularly central Asia and eastern Europe.

hypocretin deficiency associated narcolepsy - with DR15 [1][7]

Myasthenia gravis - α34-49 of AChR recognition[8]

Cervical neoplasia - DQA1*0102 - increased risk - [9]

Primary biliary cirrhosis - Protective. [10]

Multiple sclerosis - DQA1*0102 was the most frequent allele in the MS patients and DQB1*0602 increased significantly in the MS patients.[11][12]


A1*0103:B1*0603 (DQ6.3) is found in northcentral Europe at moderate frequencies, it is a protective against many autoimmune diseases.


A1*0102:B1*0604 (DQ6.4) is associated with thymoma induced myastenia gravis[13].


  1. ^ a b Hong SC, Lin L, Lo B, et al (2007). "DQB1*0301 and DQB1*0601 modulate narcolepsy susceptibility in Koreans". Hum. Immunol. 68 (1): 59-68. doi:10.1016/j.humimm.2006.10.006. PMID 17207713.
  2. ^ Sang Y, Yan C, Zhu C, Ni G (2001). "Relationship between HLA-DRB1 and DQ alleles and the genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes". Chin. Med. J. 114 (4): 407-9. PMID 11780465.
  3. ^ Saruhan-Direskeneli G, Uyar FA, Bas F, et al (2000). "HLA-DR and -DQ associations with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus in a population of Turkey". Hum. Immunol. 61 (3): 296-302. PMID 10689119.
  4. ^ Kim MH, Seong MC, Kwak NH, et al (2000). "Association of HLA with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome in Koreans". Am. J. Ophthalmol. 129 (2): 173-7. PMID 10682969.
  5. ^ Niizeki H, Inoko H, Mizuki N, et al (1994). "HLA-DQA1, -DQB1 and -DRB1 genotyping in Japanese pemphigus vulgaris patients by the PCR-RFLP method". Tissue Antigens 44 (4): 248-51. PMID 7871526.
  6. ^ Amirzargar A, Mytilineos J, Yousefipour A, et al (1998). "HLA class II (DRB1, DQA1 and DQB1) associated genetic susceptibility in Iranian multiple sclerosis (MS) patients". Eur. J. Immunogenet. 25 (4): 297-301. PMID 9777330.
  7. ^ Peled N, Amar A, Peled E, Brautbar C, Pillar G (2002). "DRB1*1502-DQB1*0601-DQA1*0103 and DRB1*04-DQB1*0302 in Jewish hypersomnolent patients". Sleep Med. 3 (3): 267-70. PMID 14592217.
  8. ^ Deitiker PR, Oshima M, Smith RG, Mosier DR, Atassi MZ (2006). "Subtle differences in HLA DQ haplotype-associated presentation of AChR alpha-chain peptides may suffice to mediate myasthenia gravis". Autoimmunity 39 (4): 277-88. doi:10.1080/08916930600738581. PMID 16891216.
  9. ^ Schiff MA, Apple RJ, Lin P, Nelson JL, Wheeler CM, Becker TM (2005). "HLA alleles and risk of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia among southwestern American Indian women". Hum. Immunol. 66 (10): 1050-6. doi:10.1016/j.humimm.2005.09.002. PMID 16386646.
  10. ^ Mullarkey ME, Stevens AM, McDonnell WM, et al (2005). "Human leukocyte antigen class II alleles in Caucasian women with primary biliary cirrhosis". Tissue Antigens 65 (2): 199-205. doi:10.1111/j.1399-0039.2005.00351.x. PMID 15713222.
  11. ^ Amirzargar AA, Tabasi A, Khosravi F, et al (2005). "Optic neuritis, multiple sclerosis and human leukocyte antigen: results of a 4-year follow-up study". Eur. J. Neurol. 12 (1): 25-30. doi:10.1111/j.1468-1331.2004.00901.x. PMID 15613143.
  12. ^ Fernández O, Fernández V, Alonso A, et al (2004). "DQB1*0602 allele shows a strong association with multiple sclerosis in patients in Malaga, Spain". J. Neurol. 251 (4): 440-4. doi:10.1007/s00415-004-0350-2. PMID 15083289.
  13. ^ Vieira M, Caillat-Zucman S, Gajdos P, Cohen-Kaminsky S, Casteur A, Bach J (1993). "Identification by genomic typing of non-DR3 HLA class II genes associated with myasthenia gravis.". J Neuroimmunol 47 (2): 115-22. PMID 8370765.


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