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Chemical Abstracts Service

  Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) is a division of the American Chemical Society, and produces Chemical Abstracts, and related products. It is located in Columbus, Ohio, USA. CAS provides the largest databases of publicly disclosed chemistry-related information, makes them accessible through search and retrieval software and provides links to the original literature and patents. The term "Chemical Abstracts" is often used loosely to apply to all the different files and products, but the different parts now have specific names. In 2007 the Chemical Abstracts Service was designated an ACS National Historical Chemical Landmark in recognition of its significance as the most comprehensive repository of research in chemistry and related sciences.[1]



The two principal databases that support the different products are, CAplus and Registry. CAplus consists of bibliographic information and abstracts for all articles in chemical journals worldwide, and chemistry-related articles from all scientific journals, patents, and other scientific publications. Registry contains information about 33 million organic and inorganic substances, and 59 million DNA sequences. The chemical information is produced by CAS; the sequence information comes from CAS and GenBank, produced by the National Institutes of Health. The chemical information is prepared by the CAS Registry System, which identifies each compound with a specific CAS registry number , index name, and graphic representation of its chemical structure. The assignment of chemical names is done according the chemical nomenclature rules for CA index names , which is slightly different from the internationally standard IUPAC names, according to the rules of IUPAC


The material from these basic and supplementary databases, is searchable in many ways. CAS databases are available via two principal database systems, STN, and Scifinder.


STN is a system operated jointly by CAS and FIZ Karlsruhe, and is intended primarily for information professionals, using a command language interface rather than a graphics interface. In addition to CAS databases, STN also provides access to many other databases which are similar to other commercial systems such as Dialog.


SciFinder is a CAS software application designed primarily for use by professional chemists in commercial organizations.[2] Versions for both the Windows and Macintosh operating systems are available. SciFinder Scholar[3] is a version designed for universities and other academic institutions and lacks some supplementary features for multi-database searching. They are both designed with a graphics interface, making them particularly suitable for searching the Registry file for chemical structures.

See also

This article is licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License. It uses material from the Wikipedia article "Chemical_Abstracts_Service". A list of authors is available in Wikipedia.
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