Professor Barry Azzopardi MSc, PhD (born Gibraltar, 1947) is a chemical engineer specialising in multiphase flow research. He is a Chartered Engineer, Fellow of the Institution of Chemical Engineers and is currently Lady Trent Professor of Chemical Engineering at the University of Nottingham.
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Selected publications
- YANG, L. and AZZOPARDI, B. J., 2007. Phase split of liquid-liquid two-phase flow at a horizontal T-junction. Internal Journal of Multiphase Flow, 33(2), 207-216.
- AZZOPARDI, B., 2006. Flow controlled critical heat flux: developments in annular flow modelling. Archives of Thermodynamics, 27(2), 3-22.
- AZZOPARDI,B.J., 2006. Book review:Gas Pipeline Hydraulics. Fuel, 85(10-11), 1603.
- LESTER, E., BLOOD, P., DENYER, J., GIDDINGS, D., AZZOPARDI, B. and POLIAKOFF, M., 2006. Reaction engineering: the supercritical water hydrothermal synthesis of nano-particles. Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 37(2), 209-214.
- MAK, C. Y., OMEBERE-IYARI, N. K. and AZZOPARDI, B. J., 2006. The split of vertical two-phase flow at a small diameter T-junction. Chemical Engineering Science, 61(19), 6261-6272.
- YANG, L., AZZOPARDI, B.J., BELGHAZI, A. and NAKANISHI, S., 2006. Phase separation of liquid-liquid two-phase flow at a T-junction. AIChE Journal, 52(1), 141-149.
- CHONG, L. Y., AZZOPARDI, B. J. and BATE, D. J., 2005. Calculation of considerations at which dryout occurs in the serpentine channels of fired reboilers. Chemical Engineering Research & Design, 83(4), 412-422.
- DAS, G., DAS, P. K. and AZZOPARDI, B. J., 2005. The split of stratified gas-liquid flow at a small diameter T-junction. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 31(4), 514-528.
- EASTWICK, C.N., HEUBNER, K., AZZOPARDI, B.J., SIMMONS, K.A., YOUNG, C. and MORRISON, R., 2005. Film flow around bearing chamber support structures. In: Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2005: Power for Land, Sea and Air, Reno, USA. New York: ASME Press, 3.
- HANKINS, N., HILAL, N., OGUNBIYI, O. O. and AZZOPARDI, B., 2005. Inverted polarity micellar enhanced ultrafiltration for the treatment of heavy metal polluted wastewater. Desalination, 185(1-3), 185-202.
- Prof. Azzopardi at the University of Nottingham staff details page
- University of Nottingham