2 Trace Analysis Manufacturers From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected trace analysis manufacturers by industry or country.

2 Trace Analysis Manufacturers From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected trace analysis manufacturers by industry or country.

These products might interest you

EPED GC-Detektor

EPED GC-Detektor by SIM Scientific Instruments Manufacturer

Selective GC detector for trace analysis of halogen and sulphur compounds

Analysis of PFAS, chlorinated paraffins, sulphur compounds in fuels and much more

GC detectors
contrAA 800

contrAA 800 by Analytik Jena

contrAA 800 Series – Atomic Absorption. Redefined

The best of classical atomic absorption and ICP-OES spectrometry are combined in the contrAA 800

ICP-OES spectrometer

ZEEnit by Analytik Jena

Zeeman Technology for Maximum Sensitivity – Matching any Analytical Problem

Transverse-heated graphite furnace for optimum atomization conditions and high sample throughput

AAS spectrometers
PlasmaQuant 9100

PlasmaQuant 9100 by Analytik Jena

PlasmaQuant 9100 Series of ICP-OES Instruments

Reveal the Details That Matter

ICP-OES spectrometer

Laborheizplatten by AHF analysentechnik

Acid-resistant laboratory hotplates for precise ICP-MS analyses

Avoid sample contamination and extend the lifetime of your equipment


APS-2000 by AHF analysentechnik

Metal-free Acid Purification System for Laboratories

Produce ultra-pure acid from less expensive acid

acid purification devices
subPUR /duoPUR /subCLEAN AC / traceCLEAN

subPUR /duoPUR /subCLEAN AC / traceCLEAN by MLS

Purer than pure: Make your ultra pure acids yourself – for trace analyses you can trust

Sub-boiling systems for distillation and evaporation save up to 90% of trace analysis costs

acid purification devices

S2 PICOFOX by Bruker Nano

Fast and precise trace element analysis on the move

TXRF technology for minimal samples and maximum efficiency

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers

S4 T-STAR by Bruker Nano

TXRF spectrometer: Sub-ppb detection limits & 24/7 analytics

Minimal operating costs because no gases, media or lab equipment are required

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers
PFA Bottles GL45

PFA Bottles GL45 by AHF analysentechnik

High purity bottles made of PFA fluoropolymer with GL45 thread

Multifunctional, inert and reusable

laboratory bottles

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