4 Separation Manufacturers From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected separation manufacturers by country.

4 Separation Manufacturers From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected separation manufacturers by country.

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LUMiReader X-Ray

LUMiReader X-Ray by LUM

New era of particle analysis with X-ray technology

Precisely characterize highly concentrated nano- and microdispersions without dilution

particle analyzers

LUMiSizer by LUM

The Versatile Particle and Dispersion Analyser: At-Line, in the Process and in the Laboratory

Comprehensive analysis of nano / microparticles & their interactions in dispersions with 1 instrument

nanoparticle analyzers

SOXTHERM by C. Gerhardt

Solid-liquid extraction in less than 2 hours

Fully automatic and four times faster than the conventional Soxhlet method

Hahnemühle LifeScience Catalogue Industry & Laboratory

Hahnemühle LifeScience Catalogue Industry & Laboratory by Hahnemühle

Wide variety of Filter Papers for all Laboratory and Industrial Applications

Filtration Solutions in the Life Sciences, Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sectors


Eclipse by Wyatt Technology

FFF-MALS system for separation and characterization of macromolecules and nanoparticles

The latest and most innovative FFF system designed for highest usability, robustness and data quality

Gekühlte Tischzentrifuge Sigma 4-5KL

Gekühlte Tischzentrifuge Sigma 4-5KL by Sigma Laborzentrifugen

More space on your laboratory bench – most compact refrigerated centrifuge in its class

Standby feature ECO mode is energy-efficient and reduces noise level

bench top centrifuges
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