599 Lab Equipment Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected lab equipment companies by company type, industry or country.

599 Lab Equipment Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected lab equipment companies by company type, industry or country.


These products might interest you


LUMiSizer by LUM

The Versatile Particle and Dispersion Analyser: At-Line, in the Process and in the Laboratory

Comprehensive analysis of nano / microparticles & their interactions in dispersions with 1 instrument

nanoparticle analyzers
Multi-Liter Hydrogen Gasgenerator

Multi-Liter Hydrogen Gasgenerator by VICI

Laboratory hydrogen supply redefined

Up to 18 l/min hydrogen with 99.99997% purity and intuitive touchscreen control

hydrogen generators
Battery Cell Station

Battery Cell Station by Vigor Gas Purification Technologies

An inert enclosure specifically for Battery Applications

A glovebox enclosure that is designed purely for battery research, enhancing user experience



Generate up to 30 L/min of analytically pure air yourself – for stable baseline GC-FID applications

Increase the sensitivity of your GC-FID analysis while reducing costs

zero air generators


200 °C in 15 min, and cooled down again even faster – that’s state-of-the-art microwave digestion

Prepare samples for elemental analysis quickly and safely

microwave digestion systems
ITC-Technologie für Mikrowellensysteme

ITC-Technologie für Mikrowellensysteme by MLS

Full control of microwave digestions from 30 to 310 °C makes overheated samples a thing of the past

This rotor monitors the temperature of each vessel – directly and contactless, using IR

microwave digestion systems
New rotary evaporator Rotavapor® R-80 system & Pure Essential Flash Chromatographie-System

New rotary evaporator Rotavapor® R-80 system & Pure Essential Flash Chromatographie-System by Büchi

Perfect Duo: Rotary Evaporator & Chromatography System for Efficient Purification

The Perfect Duo for Cleaning in the Smallest of Spaces

rotary evaporators
Mütek PCD-06

Mütek PCD-06 by BTG

The Standard for Lab Charge Measurement: Mütek PCD-06 Particle Charge Detector

The Modern Way to Measure Charge

charge measurement systems
FRYKA - circulating coolers ULK

FRYKA - circulating coolers ULK by FRYKA Kältetechnik

Recirculating chillers from FRYKA - whisper-quiet, efficient and sustainable

Cool with a clear conscience

recirculating chillers
OMNIS Titrator KF

OMNIS Titrator KF by Metrohm

Precisely determine water content - easier than ever before

Automation, safety and flexibility combined in one system

automatic titrators
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