2 Chemical Analysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected chemical analysis companies by company type or country.

2 Chemical Analysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected chemical analysis companies by company type or country.

These products might interest you

La sonda Raman ATEX integrada por láser New

La sonda Raman ATEX integrada por láser by Hellma

Laser integrated ATEX Raman probe opens new horizons for users and manufacturers

For applications in the chemical, petro-chemical and pharmaceutical industries

Raman probes
SureSTART Vials and Well Plates

SureSTART Vials and Well Plates by Thermo Fisher Scientific

SureSTART autosampler vials for all chromatography applications and budgets

3 performance level: Easily select products suited to your analytical, performance or value needs


Metavision-1008i3 by Metal Power Analytical Pvt.

Advanced Accuracy for Diverse Metal Analysis

Segment leading Optical Emission Spectrometer with accurate analyses down to single ppm

optical emission spectrometers

ALPHA II by Bruker

Chemical analysis made easy: compact FT-IR system

Increase the efficiency of your routine analyses with user-friendly technology

FTIR spectrometers
Apreo 2 Scanning Electron Microscope

Apreo 2 Scanning Electron Microscope by Thermo Fisher Scientific

Apreo 2 SEM: Scanning Electron Microscope with Impressive Resolution Specifications

Unmatched versatility powered by ChemiSEM Technology

scanning electron microscopes
ZSX Primus IVi

ZSX Primus IVi by Rigaku

High-precision WDXRF analysis for industrial applications

Maximum sensitivity and throughput for light elements and complex samples

X-ray fluorescence spectrometers
2060 Raman Analyzer

2060 Raman Analyzer by Metrohm

Self-calibrating inline Raman spectrometer

Analyze solids, liquids and gases - for reproducible, accurate results in the process

UNICUBE / vario EL cube / vario MAX cube

UNICUBE / vario EL cube / vario MAX cube by Elementar Analysensysteme

Versatile CHNS analysers for every laboratory requirement

Robust, precise and cost-effective: ideal for micro and macro samples

CHNS analyzers

xrTGA1100 by XRF Scientific

TGA - determine Moisture, Volatile matter, Ash and Loss on Ignition contents in various substances

Remove the organic portion so that further analysis of the minerals can take place

thermogravimetric analyzers
alpha300 R

alpha300 R by WITec

3D Raman microscopes with unequalled speed, sensitivity and resolution

Visualize and characterize every chemical detail

Raman microscopes
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