2 Polymer Analysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected polymer analysis companies by country.

2 Polymer Analysis Companies From Around The World

Tip: Select a quick entry below to view selected polymer analysis companies by country.

These products might interest you

LenS3 MALS-V Dual Detector New

LenS3 MALS-V Dual Detector by Tosoh

Advanced triple detection solution for GPC polymer analysis

The only all-in-one detector for multi-angle light scattering (MALS) and viscometry

GPC detectors

m-VROC II by Sphera Analytics

Viscometer for small volume samples

Viscosity Measurements with Controlled Shear Rates and Small Samples


Eclipse by Wyatt Technology

FFF-MALS system for separation and characterization of macromolecules and nanoparticles

The latest and most innovative FFF system designed for highest usability, robustness and data quality


ALPHA II by Bruker

Chemical analysis made easy: compact FT-IR system

Increase the efficiency of your routine analyses with user-friendly technology

FTIR spectrometers

F-SEARCH by Frontier Laboratories

Easy and reliable identification of polymers and additives after PY-GC/MS, TD-GC/MS or EGA-MS analysis

4 libraries for searching for polymers, pyrolyzates, additives or matching of EGA thermograms

polymer databases

AccuPyc by Micromeritics

The Fastest, Easiest, Most Accurate System for Measurement of True Density

Innovations drive superior speed, accuracy and ease-of-use for solid density measurement

TA HR30 Rheometer

TA HR30 Rheometer by TA Instruments

The Most Powerful and Versatile Rheometer for your Laboratory

Experience the latest innovations in rotational rheometers

rotational rheometers

ViscoStar by Wyatt Technology

Polymer analysis without compromise - the ViscoStar with Wyatt SEC MALS

Absolute measurement results with highest sensitivity - reliable and simple


LUMOS II by Bruker

FT-IR microscopy in the fast lane - the LUMOS II

One infrared microscope for all

FT-IR microscopes
Microplastics & Related Compounds Spectra Databases

Microplastics & Related Compounds Spectra Databases by S.T.Japan

The Universe is expanding. So are our spectra databases.

Now even more ATR-FTIR and Raman Spectra

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