Aufbereitungstechnologie Noll GmbH
About Aufbereitungstechnologie Noll
NOLL excels in the engineering of high-quality milling machinery, and with its unique expertise in processing a great variety of powders.
At the heart of our success is the direct customer relationship and the valuable synergies between machine construction and powder processing. Our customers therefore profit directly from our product know-how, and of 25 years of practical experience in mechanical processing technology.
We know how to grind and classify products, and we know how it can be done even better. We provide individual engineering and processing solutions to client challenges. NOLL delivers on time throughout Europe, in Asia or the USA.
We are the choice of market-leading enterprises and various research institutes. They work with NOLL on solutions in the fields of technical ceramics, specialty pigments, toners and dental pastes. Let us convince you of our capabilities!
- Focus : Service
- Industry : Production technology