Fr. Jacob Söhne GmbH & Co. KG
About Fr. Jacob Söhne
Pipework systems are the lifeline of modern production systems. They transport raw materials and products, direct exhaust and extract dust. Their applications are as diverse as the spatial requirements, making each pipework system unique. The modular system developed by JACOB features over 7,000 standard articles alone and combines versatile options for custom design with simple assembly. The result is a tailored solution for any challenge. With its subsidiaries in Europe and North America, as well as over 40 representatives worldwide, the JACOB Group is just as global as its customers. A modern warehouse featuring 7,000 m² at the headquarters in Porta Westfalica, in Germany, as well as additional local warehouses outside of Germany, ensure immediate availability of our products. State-of-the-art production technology allows for both efficient series and custom production. All this, together with our uncompromising pursuit of premium materials and technologies, results in innovative, high-quality products, made in Germany.
- Founding: 1924
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Employees: 201-500
- Industry : Production technology