About Bruker

Bruker AXS designs and manufactures analytical X-ray systems for elemental analysis, materials research and structural investigations. Our innovative solutions enable a wide range of customers in heavy industry, chemistry, pharmacy, semiconductor, life science and nanotechnology to make technological advancements and to accelerate their progress.

Facts about Bruker
  • Focus : Manufacturer
  • Employees: 201-500
  • Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology

Bruker Products in the Spotlight


S4 T-STAR by Bruker

TXRF spectrometer: Sub-ppb detection limits & 24/7 analytics

Minimal operating costs because no gases, media or lab equipment are required

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers

S2 PICOFOX by Bruker

Fast and precise trace element analysis on the move

TXRF technology for minimal samples and maximum efficiency

total reflection x-ray fluorescence spectrometers

ALPHA II by Bruker

Chemical analysis made easy: compact FT-IR system

Increase the efficiency of your routine analyses with user-friendly technology

FTIR spectrometers

OMEGA 5 by Bruker

Compact FTIR based Gas Analyzer for the fully automated quantification of gas compounds

The Versatile Gas Analyzer

gas analyzers

INVENIO by Bruker

FT-IR spectrometer of the future: INVENIO

Freely upgradeable and configurable FT-IR spectrometer

FTIR spectrometers

LUMOS II by Bruker

FT-IR microscopy in the fast lane - the LUMOS II

One infrared microscope for all

FT-IR microscopes


FT-IR and IR laser imaging (QCL) microscope for research and development

Analyze macroscopic samples with microscopic resolution (5 µm) in seconds

FT-IR microscopes

MPA III by Bruker

Spectroscopy in a New Light: FT-NIR made easy

MPA II - The tailor-made solution for your quality control

FT-NIR spectrometers

News about Bruker

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Topic world Elemental analysis

Elemental analysis is a fundamental pillar of chemical research and enables the quantitative determination of the basic elements contained in a compound. It gives insight into the atomic composition and provides essential information about the structure and properties of molecules.

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Topic world Elemental analysis

Topic world Elemental analysis

Elemental analysis is a fundamental pillar of chemical research and enables the quantitative determination of the basic elements contained in a compound. It gives insight into the atomic composition and provides essential information about the structure and properties of molecules.

30+ products
25+ whitepaper
30+ brochures