About Klarex Technology
self-cleaning shell and tube heat exchangers.
Applies circulation of solid particles through the tubes to remove fouling deposits from the tube wall.
1. Unique self-cleaning potential for extremely severe fouling applications.
2. Retrofit of existing conventional exchangers into a configuration which applies the Bronswerk Klarex self-cleaning technology on an intermittent or continuous basis.
3. New exchangers can be designed in such a way that the Bronswerk Klarex self-cleaning
technology can be added at a later stage if fouling proves to be more severe
than originally envisioned.
Self-cleaning performance
Commercial experience gained with a large number of Bronswerk Klarex self-cleaning heat exchangers has shown that these exchangers remain clean for very long operating periods or even indefinitely in comparison with conventional heat exchangers which suffer from severe fouling in a couple of hours, days, weeks or months. Any type of fouling deposit, whether hard or soft, biological or chemical, fibrous or protein, or any organic type, or a combination of the above, can be effectively handled by the Bronswerk Klarex self-cleaning heat exchanger.
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Industry : Production technology