Abberior Instruments GmbH
About Abberior
In recent years, fluorescence microscopy has undergone a revolution: the resolution barrier given by the diffraction limit was broken by new microscopy concepts such as STED, GSD, GSDIM, PALM, STORM and RESOLFT.
Based on more than two decades of research experience in superresolution microscopy / fluorescence nanoscopy and a passion for developing novel concepts and methods in superresolution imaging for this new era of microscopy, the Abberior Instruments team is able to offer novel superresolution microscopes for general applicability in the live sciences. Abberior Instruments uses patent-protected technology.
Abberior Instruments GmbH was founded in 2012 by Dr. Gerald Donnert, Dr. Alexander Egner, Dr. Benjamin Harke, Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Stefan W. Hell, Dr. Lars Kastrup, Dr. Matthias Reuss and Dr. Andreas Schönle. The company is a spin-off from the Max Planck Institute of Biophysical Chemistry in Göttingen and the German Cancer Research Institute in Heidelberg. The company is based in the Laser Laboratorium Göttingen GmbH technology park located on the north campus of the University of Göttingen, Germany.
- Founding: 2012
- Focus : Manufacturer
- Employees: 51-200
- Industry : Laboratory analysis / Laboratory measurement technology